Psalm 23:4-5 COVID edition

As I am sure you all know, we are in the midst of what is being called a pandemic. Thousands have become ill with a virus call COVID-19; many have even died. This virus has pushed the nation to "social distancing," "stay home, stay safe," or more plainly "Lockdown" orders.
While I have been enjoying this at home working, I have noticed the social distancing has put a bit of a strain on work relationships. In some cases has even allowed those who the old school saints would call "messy" to have a field day spreading rumors, causing anxiety, and even strife among people who are not in a position to talk face to face.
This morning when I woke up, Psalms 23:4-5 was heavy on my mind. I thought about this scripture a couple of weeks ago and the fact that it says "thy rod and thy staff." I thought to myself, why did God mention both a rod and a staff in this scripture? Here is what I found out:
The Rod
A weapon: When we are walking throughout life, some attacks come against us. Attacks that as the sheep, we would not be able to defend ourselves. God's rod is a representation of his protection over our lives. He sees the attacks coming before we do. He knows our most vulnerable places and is prepared to ensure that we will be okay.
The walking stick: God knows we need extra support in our lives and that sometimes we need a place to be able to lean on for support, or even for a little rest.
The Staff
Correction: The staff, designed so that if a sheep gets off the path, the shepherd can hook them from a distance and bring them back on the path. How many times in our life how we got off track. Sometimes we get off the track because of disobedience. Other times we get off track because of pure curiosity and innocent ignorance of what we do not see. Rather God is angered, heartbroken, or even merely giggling at the innocent nativity of some of the things we do. He can bring us back in line with his staff.
Authority and Favor: The staff represents the authority of our God. The staff shows the presence of God's power over our lives. If you think about all the stories, both biblical and secular, Kings often carry a staff or also called a scepter to show their authority. If that leader gives that staff to anyone, it is a representation that the leader's authority, power, and favor travel with that person. God has given us a staff to carry with us every day. With this staff, his power, authority, and favor rains over our lives.
Bonus: Psalms 23:5
Anointed my head with oil
It wasn't until a recent Facebook post that I realized the importance of the shepherd anointing the sheep's heads. I learned that if the shepherd did not anoint their heads, the sheep would get parasites. Like fleas on dogs, these parasites would drive the sheep crazy, even getting into their eyes. Could you imagine flies in your ears and what that would do to your sanity?
Anointing our heads with oil represents God, not letting the parasites of life drive us crazy. He protects us from confusion, from distractions, for the loss of sanity in everything.
So as we continue to hunker down through this Stay at home time. Remember everything, even this, is covered by "thy rod and thy staff" and the anointing of our heads. Strife, anxiety, and confusion can not win.
Next: Conspiracy Theory vs Prophesy STAY TUNE!
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