Psalm 23:4-5 COVID edition
As I am sure you all know, we are in the midst of what is being called a pandemic. Thousands have become ill with a virus call COVID-19; many have even died. This virus has pushed the nation to "social distancing," "stay home, stay safe," or more plainly "Lockdown" orders. While I have been enjoying this at home working, I have noticed the social distancing has put a bit of a strain on work relationships. In some cases has even allowed those who the old school saints would call "messy" to have a field day spreading rumors, causing anxiety, and even strife among people who are not in a position to talk face to face. This morning when I woke up, Psalms 23:4-5 was heavy on my mind. I thought about this scripture a couple of weeks ago and the fact that it says "thy rod and thy staff." I thought to myself, why did God mention both a rod and a staff in this scripture? Here is what I found out: The Rod A weapon: When we are ...