Warning: Don't Look Back!!

(This is a message that I wrote in 2017)

Genesis 19: 35-38 

You can take the girl out of Sodom and Gomorrah,
But you can't take the Sodom and Gomorrah out the girl.

One morning I was on my way to work, listening to a preacher on the radio speaking. During his message he read Genesis 19, very interesting chapter in the Bible. After he finished reading versus 35-38 the Speaker stops and says, “You can take the girl out of Sodom and Gomorrah, but you can't take the Sodom and Gomorrah out the girl". I was caught off guard but this statement and laughed to myself. What in the world did I just hear?

What I did not realize was that from the moment that statement he made, he had me mentally stuck right there. Even today I cannot tell you what else the Pastor spoke about in the radio broadcast, but this one statement has rang loud in my mind every since.

Then a few days later while on Facebook, I see this amazing drawing:


While looking at this picture, from an unknown artist, the words rang loud in me "Stop looking back!"

If we read further in Genesis 19 we see how Lot's Wife, after God delivered them from Sodom and Gomorrah, looked back. This quick peak back into her past, in disobedience to God, cost her life. To be more specific she turned to a pillar of salt.

Additionally, in versus 35-38, we read where Lot's daughter in fear that God would not provide them a husband and children, took it upon themselves to create their own solution. Which caused them to resort back to the behavior that God had already delivered them from.

A wise woman once told me, my Pastor’s wife Sharion Wardlow, the devil does not tempt you with anything you are not familiar with. He only uses what your senses already know. The smell of a cigarette or a drink. The touch an ex. If you have never smoked cigarettes you are not tempted by the smell.

Lastly, she also said betrayal may come in many different forms but it all smells, tastes, and hurts the same. When we have lived a life of repeatedly being hurt, each time that same feeling comes up again and Satan uses that to tempt us to resort back to our old thoughts and actions.

You can take the girl out of Sodom and Gomorrah, but you can't take the Sodom and Gomorrah out the girl.

As believers we all have something that God has delivered us from. Rather it is a bad relationship, and substance addiction, depression or a list of many situations. Yet God has delivered us and taken us out of that Sodom and Gomorrah. Now it is in this time of deliverance, that we have to work to allow God to take the situation out of us.

First I remove my child from the harmful situation, now I remove the harm effects of that out of my child.

1. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
2. John 8:34-36

Let’s truly embrace the new! Don’t look back!


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