Being Drawn-in

     One thing about myself is that I do not profess to be a professional writer or blogger. I 
 simply do this because there is a pulling from within. I recently stopped blogging 
 because I thought maybe there was no purpose and I really did not have the time, but after several request to continue writing here I am again. Also, this morning I woke up with a tugging on my spirit to enter in. I know God has called me and I know he has a perfect plan. The struggle for me is that I do not want to be just another person claiming to be called. I do not want to be another fad in the mix but truly operating in God's will. In a world that glamorized everything, callings are often times abused, or dare I say pimped. I want to be authentic and come from deeper than the human heart but from the spirit of God only. 

     I can not promise to blog daily or even weekly but I am back and I will continue. Who knows there maybe a good day and I may blog more then once in that day. In the mean time please take time to enjoy some of my previous writings. 

Thank you for your support in advance. 


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