The Art of War

7 Life-Changing Lessons From “The Art Of War” - Max Weigand - Medium

The Art of War

Unity of the troops

     I.        Know your assignment
a.    Boot Camp
                                       i.    From what I am told when one enters boot camp this is a time that the military breaks you down and trains you. People are in a holding tank unable to engage in war activity until your time is up. I think about the movie Glory where the soldiers were constantly asking when they were going to fight.  Luke 24:49 speaks of waiting time that the disciples had to go through until they had power poured on them. The author A.B. Simpson stated “these waiting days were necessary to enable the disciples to realize their need, their nothingness, their failure, and their dependence upon the Master. They had to be emptied before they would be filled.” (Empty me Oh Lord!)
                                      ii.    Boot camp is a time that the enlisted are broken down, their identity stripped, and redefined. I looked at my boy Stormy who went to the Marines. The last visit was kinda sad for me because I saw how much the military changed him. I missed the innocence that he had. I miss the wholesomeness but I understand it is part of the process, part of “becoming a man”.
                                    iii.    “Basic Training – often called boot camp – prepares recruits for all elements of service: physical, mental and emotional.(Wow) It gives service members the basic tools necessary to perform the roles that will be asked of them for the duration of their tour. Each of the Services has its own training program, tailoring the curriculum to the specialized nature of its role in the Military.”  (
                                     iv.    A person cannot go into the military thinking the know everything. In the movie Glory the country boy was a sharp shooter but the minute the Colonel added pressure by yelling at him he got shaken up. But when he put a gun to his head he did not know what to do. We are sharp shooters, when we are in our comfort zone but the time is coming when the fight is being even more intensified and the gun may very well be put to our heads and it will be asked (Joshua 24:15) Choose whom you will serve. We must be able to handle the pressure. Right now we are just being shaken up but will we be able to with stand? Will I be able to withstand? Will my children be able to withstand?
                                      v.    Too often we get saved, and have a natural zeal for our new found freedom in Christ. We think we are ready to jump from boot camp to Colonel and all we got was a buzz cut on the first day.
                                     vi.    The Author of Waiting on the Holy Spirit stated “us missionary (as we all are missionaries) types are usually highly motivated self-starters. If we were not we would not make it past all the obstacles.” I personally can relate when he goes on to say “we are highly motivated, we look ahead, we look at the big picture and we look to accomplish long list of objectives. The temptation is to take off on our own power mistaking it for God’s assignment. Then we have to pray and ask God to bless our mess.” (Lord I am guilty of this) Often times God does show us what he wants us to do but not intended for that time. I have shared with a select few of assignments that God has showed me that I am to do, one being books to write. Like a zealous saint, years ago I tried to jump right into the task but learned through the mentoring of others that the time was not upon me. Now looking back I can see how things are being lined up for when that time comes. I need to finish the training and preparation. When I think of this task, I see how Moses felt on that mountain. Exodus 4:10-17  You all have seen my emails where I miss spell or mess up grammar, or what not. I look now and say Lord how? How am I going to write a book, when I can barely handle emails? But he has assured me he will equip me, if nothing else he gave me a husband who loves to edit. But I have to humble myself and not take editing as a sign of not being good enough. Part of our training is learning who we really are. 

                                       i.    If we stop and fulfill our time in boot camp we will leave equipped to handle what is out there in this war. A war that is going to be gruesome and many will not make it through. Boot camp helps to curb the burnout that would normally happen from long nights in the trenches of prayer. Boot camp helps to instill patience I need when dealing with those in the flesh that come against us or even patience with myself. If I find ourselves going off, getting your feelings hurt, jumping from ministry to ministry, prematurely exhausted, mad at the Pastor, First Lady, Executive Pastors, and Elders because they say No, wait, or even sit down then we need to go back to boot camp. We are not ready (yes, We). Their No’s or their corrections are there to help equip us for the long haul of battle.
1.    I presented my calendar to Bill, Sharion, First Lady, and Pastor. They significantly cut it. I went in ready, excited, and prepared after long hours of working on it. My flesh wanted to be hurt and upset. I can handle it I kept telling myself but the spirit kept reminding me to be humble and open to the input. I remember the training I had from my Papa and Elder Relf. Now looking back there was protection in their cutting. Because of it I was able to sustain during the demands of the play, holidays, and everything else. We need to understand the art of peace be still.
                                      ii.    Luke 11:13- Stop questioning God’s will; Stop questioning God’s direction, Stop question God’s correction. For all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His Purpose. Romans 8:28
                                    iii.    I had to accept the cutting and the counsel. I now find myself saying Bill/Sharion “I need your brain”. Pastor “I have a question”, First Lady “Help!!!” The trust is there in knowing they are preparing me. And though I still do not know what all God has in store for me, I trust God and thus trust those with authority over me.
                                     iv.    Acts 1:1-8 emphasis on verse 7 It’s not for you to know the when that you are done with boot camp. It’s for us to trust God and our leaders. Stop questioning all the time. There is something about trust it is scary and liberating all at the same time. We learned in marriage fellowship that part of trust is being vulnerable.
                                      v.    How to wait in boot camp
1.    Be Quiet 1 King 19:11-13 we do not always have to have something to say. Everything does not have to come in flashiness, with an audience, or needs to be said at that particular time. God did not speak to Elijah in the earthquake, the fire, the hurricane, but in a still soft voice. If we are always wanting and looking for the shaking and quaking, we could miss a true Godly encounter. Furthermore, in holding our tongues God is preparing us for when he uses our tongue for His ministering to the broken. He then knows that he can trust us with the task under his anointing. A flashy, wild out, loose tongue when someone is broken and hurting can cause more damage than it does ministering.
2.    Seek out truth about yourself……..yourself. This is to me is a very uncomfortable step. Ask God to look into our deepest crevices for anything not of him…. ANY THING. When in battle satan will take these to use against us. So deal with them in boot camp. The last thing we need is to be deep in battle and loose due to a hidden weakness.
3.    Yearn to Learn
a.    Get in our word
b.    Surround ourselves with wise Godly people.
c.    Embrace the correction, crave the wisdom, crave to know more and to go deeper. Hebrews 12:11;
b.    Hardwired
                                       i.    We are hardwired for greatness (Ephesians 2:10; Isaiah 43:7 Psalm 139:14)
1.    When something is hardwired it is mounted with the intention of not being easily moved. Often times we take for granted the expertise of our creator and how he has hardwired us. The Bible has scriptures that constantly remind us that we weren’t made by just any ole body. We were actually made by the head creator of all. And each of us has a unique and one of a kind design. Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:4
2.    God knows our design in detail, the most intimate detail, yet we struggle in our lives to find our “purpose”, “passion”, or “calling.” We must understand that God has hardwired us and he knows how he did it, why he did it, and what he intends for it to be used for. We must tap into God to find out what we are hardwired for. Nothing of this world will gives us that true insight. This is a time when we cannot let that cloud our heavenly calling.
a.    One day I was at work at KinderCare and was struggling so hard between what I was being asked to do by “company standards” and what I knew was the right thing to do. I called my mom hidden behind the dumpster balling my eyes out. I normally do not get along with my mother but this time I knew I had to call her. My mother told me Davida, you are struggling because of how you are hardwired. You have a heart for compassion for children. She told me about the friends I would make that would make her skin crawl and how I just wanted to save everyone. How when I was three she walked into her room to me balling that they put nails in Jesus’ hands.  
4.    When you understand your hardwiring it brings on clarity to how valuable you are to God and your true identity in God. We will no longer jump from thing to thing to find our place in life. We will no longer compare ourselves to each other or mimic the latest ministry on the market. You know your hardwiring, you know your identity, thus your true value to the Kingdom, to this family, and to the fight.
5.    When we are hardwired we will fall in love with seeing our sisters and brother’s success in the ministry. We will not be envious or competitive.
c.    We will be able to stay in our lane.
                                       i.    A person’s DNA is unique to them. Only identical twins have the same DNA….but there are no identical twins in the Kingdom. Then why are we jumping trying to be in every ministry and be like every good minister, pastor, evangelist, prophet, singer, musician that we see. I remember hearing people say I have to get a new suit like T.D. Jakes to preach, I need to be able to walk in heels like Juanita Bynum when I speak, or have my nails done like Paula White. Stay in your lane. God has called us for a unique ministry and will select how he wants us to do it according to how he has hardwired us.
                                      ii.    How each of us are hardwired compliments how we minister. Also, it complements the other ministries in the church thus compliments the church. We do not need to be like everyone else or try to jump in a ministry that we “think” is better for us. God gave Jonah specific guidelines of where he wanted him to minister but Jonah did not like that assignment. It was not what Jonah felt he should be doing. Jonah wanted God to destroy Nineveh. God could be saying Davida I want you to clean the church toilets but I feel no that is not my job. That I need somewhere else that is more suitable for my talents. And like Jonah, we flee from what God has sent us to do and jump ship to the yacht that looks better. But in us trying to jump ship we mess things up for those on the yacht because we are not supposed to be there. As a result we cause a storm to come that didn’t have to be. We call that DRAMA!! What was meant to be a peaceful trip for these fisherman turns out to be a big ball of drama. But those fisherman had sense to kick him off their yacht.
                                    iii.    Then there are the Son’s of Sceva Acts 19:13-18, we would not want to be trying to flow in a ministry that is not of ours. We must stay in our lane. We all complement each other. We are one big puzzle with many pieces, we connect and make a beautiful picture when we are in our place. Yes, we support each other but we are not to try lead every ministry. I was always taught where there are holes than I am to help fill those holes. I am to do this by asking How Can I Help? Not lead but help. Be a support not come in a try and out shine or take over the lead but help. Don’t worry we will shine in our humbleness.
                                     iv.    What is our motive?
1.    When we understand what God has hardwired us, we are more likely to stay focused in our lane working in the ministry that God has for us and also with the right heart. This is because we understand who we are, who’s we are, and our true value in what he has designed us for. Galatians 1:10 ask the question of what is the motive? Is it to please man or God? Looking 1 Timothy 1:5-7 shares that the law is made out of love and is to be administered with love. And the evidence of love are
1.    A pure heart
2.    A good conscience
3.    A faith unfeigned or sincere faith
2.    Matthew 5:7-12 tells us what happens when we come at this fight with the right motives. Having the right motives, as a product of knowing what you are hardwired for, will give the sustainability to withstand the fire from the enemy. When the enemy comes against us (when we are where God has called us and with the right motive) our test may be great but we are able to be steadfast in what God has called us to do. This is because we understand better and our heart is in line with God. We can look at satan and say I will not be a part of any mess. James 4. Who do we think we are? Really? We try to take ministries that are not ours, for reasons that are so far from representing God, his pure and perfect love but yet we wonder why we suffer and don’t have peace among ourselves. We walk around smiling but it can be seen in our eyes and actions our misery. Do we not understand how amazing our God has made us? We are to rejoice in each other’s calling from God because just as unique and wonderful their ministry is, the one that God has wired in us is also. But we don’t get it.
3.    Additionally we are not running off of our own fuel when we are under the covering. It has been heard me saying that I am running of Heavenly fuel or that God is fueling me. There is a difference. We can run a block on our own strength but with God we can run ten miles. Like with a water hose, being in line with God and understanding out hardwire in him, takes the kink out of the hose so that power and energy is free to flow. And flow free of mess and drama.

The Uniform looks good but are we truly ready for the fight.

    II.        We are in a war

There have been many wars fought in this world some have lasted hundreds of years and the others thousands of years. But there is no war that has last as long as the one going on between Heaven and hell over the souls of people and the ultimate power. This war is raged in our physical bodies, in the content of our minds, in our homes, on our jobs, in our every encounters as we are going throughout the day, and even in our churches. Yet one advance that we have as saints is the knowledge of the genuineness of this war and it’s source. The world takes the battle between good and evil very lightly. It is a cliché term that is used and often depicted on T.V. as a good and bad image of yourself on each shoulder. This spiritual war, like those that have been fought in history, is not joke. It takes lives, kills families, cost time, resources, is exhausting, and can cause PTC of saints. The day that we turn our lives over to Christ, we have volunteered to become enlisted in God’s troops. As a solider, you are then part of the war but just now on the winning team.
            War is not meant to be glorious. Often times Hollywood depicts war as a heroic thing of honor where the soldier ride off in the sunset with his lady and his victory. Though there is the honor and heroics of battle of being a solider I do not believe it was meant to be a red carpet event.  
a.    War is gruesome – Revelations 19 (I Love Revelations)
                                       i.    This chapter clearly depicts a war that is not your typical Hollywood staged war. Just even the description of Christ leading the troops illustrates someone who coming to fight and means business. His clothing was dipped in blood.
                                      ii.    Starting from verse 17 it talks in detail about the fowls of the air to come and eat of the flesh of those who are against Christ. Also to clear up the gruesomeness of this Revelations 14: 14-20 emphasis on 20 – and the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furloughs.” Or 184 miles space worth of blood.  GROSS!!!!
                                    iii.    In History there are not wars that are fought and won as one just simple war. Wars are fought through smaller battles with in a war. So the gruesomeness of the wars is not just one set event, they are series of gruesome battles stretched over time. We are dealing with battles with in the War of All Wars. Davida Faint Not.
                                     iv.    So we cannot be pansy soldiers. We cannot be cry baby soldiers, we have to be able to endure. War is not for the weak, especially spiritual war yet we must understand that there is absolutely no way that we can be the strong solider that we need to be without Christ and each other. Christ is the only one that can equip us and mature us into that soldier that we need to be. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
b.    Calling in the Cavalry Rev. 19:11-14 (according to Dakes notes) Christ has an army that consist of Christ and his Heavenly Army. Yet satan will have Israel on one side, satan’s angels and satan’s demons on another side, as well as earthly armies under the antichrist on another side.  It would seem we will be outnumbered to one who does not understand.
                                       i.    The cavalry of heaven consists of all those who are redeemed and resurrected saints. According to the Dakes notes I read this includes ALL AGES. So my questions is why do we take children’s ministry as lightly as we do. Those have heard me say that this ministry is not a babysitting ministry. We are not simply here to babysit children so they do not bother parents in service. These children need to be trained. These children need to understand about salvation so they too can be part of the Heavenly army. I want my baby with me in that Heavenly army. I want to see your babies’ faces in that Heavenly army. Also, so they will be able to withstand their salvation here on earth. As the song says “There is an Army rising up.” They are part of that army and my heart yearns for them to understand, be confident, and empowered soldiers in that army. The plays we do, the games we play, the fun that we have is a learning tool used to help:
1.    Present the material in a way the children can understand and
2.    Meet the different learning needs of each child (regardless of age or developmental level)
Remember the enemy goes after the weak first. So how are we to be strong but leave our children out there unprepared?
c.    Battle lines
                                       i.    A tactic that was originally used when fighting in flat lands, allowed for troops to fight in unity. Without covering of building and trees, etc. using the tactic of battle lines brought additional power. When everyone fired at once the impact would be greater than having random firing. Furthermore, standing together decreased the chance of one of us running in defeat. We motivate each other. We support each other. We one of us are wounded we are there to help and fill in the gap until they are back. It bothers me to hear that LFM went through a year where those who lead the battle lines needed time to regroup, rest up, heal wounds and when that happen others in the battle lines where either not will or not equip to help carry on. In 2014 we all have to do better, we have to be armor bearers for one another. We cannot allow the enemy to gain ground we have to keep the battle line moving forward.
d.    Flag Bearer:
                                       i.    In the closing of the movie Glory (a movie I obviously enjoyed), the colonel ask if this man should fall in battle who of you will be willing to pick up the flag and press on. The flag bearer can easily be over looked as an insignificant part of an army. But the flag helps to rally the troops. When we are deep in a battle about ready to give up being able to get glimpse of that flag out of the corner reminds of who our commander is. Seeing that flag helps to rally the troops to not give up to push on in the fight. It unites us. And to think of the strength that it takes to be the flag bearer. They do not have a cannon, or any short of gun. They simply hold the flag (Nece, wow) and motivate us into battle. Not from the back from the front close marching next to our commander.

 [DS1]Jesus daily life lined up for his purpose on the cross, death, and resurrection.


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